Publications up to 2020
Showing entries 201 - 220 out of 264
Belke, B., Leder, H., Harsanyi, G., & Carbon, C.-C. (2010). When a Picasso is a "Picasso": The entry point in the identification of visual art. Acta Psychologica, 133(2), 191-202.
Gerger, G., Leder, H., Färber, S., & Carbon, C.-C. (2010). When the others matter: Context-dependent effects on changes in appreciation of innovativeness. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 70(2), 75-83.
Leder, H. (2009). Eine kurze Psychologie der Kunst - Vom Nutzen der Schönheit. In M. Dresler (Ed.), Neuroästhetik. Kunst-Gehirn-Wissenschaft (pp. 52-57). Seemann.
Jakesch, M., & Leder, H. (2009). Finding meaning in art. Preferred levels of ambiguity in art appreciation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(11), 2105-2112.
Tinio, P., & Leder, H. (2009). Just how stable are stable aesthetic features? Symmetry, complexity, and the jaws of massive familiarization. Acta Psychologica, 130.
Tinio, P., & Leder, H. (2009). Natural scenes are indeed preferred, but image quality might have the last word. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 3(1).
Kuchinke, L., Trapp, S., Jacobs, A. M., & Leder, H. (2009). Pupillary Responses in Art Appreciation: Effects of Aesthetic Emotions. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 3(3), 156-163.
Jakesch, M., Zachhuber, M., Carbon, C.-C., & Leder, H. (2008). Developing a reference frame for testing cross-modality effects of vision and touch. Perception, 37(ECVP Abstract Supplement), 92-92.
Carbon, C.-C., Michael, L., & Leder, H. (2008). Innovative concepts of car interiors measured by electro-dermal activity (EDA). Research in Engineering Design: theory, applications, and concurrent engineering, 9(2-3), 143-149.
Tinio, P., & Leder, H. (2008). One of Many Bridges: From Basic Visual Stimulus Features to Formal Elements in Artworks. Unknown publisher.
Tinio, P., & Leder, H. (2008). Optimal interface between artworks and the information processing system. In V. M. Petrov, & A. V. Kharuto (Eds.), Information Theory and Art Studies (pp. 144-149). KomKniga.
Zachhuber, M., Jakesch, M., Leder, H., & Carbon, C.-C. (2008). Scenario-based crossmodal touching: How top - down processes influence tactile and visual appreciation. Perception, 37S, 134-134.
Augustin, D., Leder, H., Hutzler, F., & Carbon, C.-C. (2008). Style follows content. On the microgenesis of art perception. Acta Psychologica, 128(1), 127-138.
Carbon, C.-C., Leder, H., Strobach, T., Kovács, G., Harsanyi, G., & Langton, S. (2007). Adaptation effects of highly familiar faces: immediate and long lasting. Memory and Cognition, 35(8), 1966-1976.
Leder, H. (2007). Aesthetic Properties of Everyday Objects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 104(3), 1139-1168.
Leder, H., & Belke, B. (2007). Art and Cognition. In C. Martindale, P. Locher, & V. Petrov (Eds.), Evolutionary and Neurocognitive Approaches to Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts (pp. 149-163). Baywood Press.
Leder, H., & Augustin, D. (2007). Ästhetische Erfahrung aus kognitionspsychologischer Perspektive. Unknown publisher.
Carbon, C.-C., Gerger, G., & Leder, H. (2007). Contributions of boredom to liking judgments over time. Perception, 36.
Leder, H. (2007). Design Evaluation: From typical problems to state-of-the-art solutions. Thexis, 2007(2), 33-37.
Färber, S., Carbon, C.-C., & Leder, H. (2007). From exposure to evaluation: Dynamic changes in appreciation of innovative designs. Perception, 36(Suppl. 1), 17-17.
Showing entries 201 - 220 out of 264